10 July, 2010


It's been a long while but I've finished my bachelor's degree. It pleases me to say I was the best student in my class with an average of 15 out of 20 and the first to have completed this phase.
I recognize it could have been a lot better but I also have to admit I didn't make my best during these 3 years.

Fortunately for me I believe I have gathered some knowledge of the economic world and the desire I had before - knowing how things work - regarding the mechanisms of everything are now less blur.
What follows? I've been accepted in a master's degree of Monetary and Financial Economics in a nice University nearby and during the next two years I have to - really - do my best.

Still uncertain about what the future will be like but I have my own goals to try to achieve.
Will I achieve them? I'm 100% sure I will do my best, at the very least!

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